Last updated: May 3, 2024


Lilith - 32f, 5’2”, straight, monogamous, agnostic/atheist, looking for a serious relationship.

Currently in Flatbush, Brooklyn.

Some friends recently called me “spontaneous” which was surprising because I’d never apply that word to myself haha. As the adult version of a kid who was very shy and kept to herself a lot, though, I am trying to say yes to more things and be more comfortable with uncertainty and being out of my depth.

My social meter fluctuates quite a bit, but in general I’d rather have a chill hangout with friends than go to a big event. I sometimes go to concerts/shows but it’s not a large part of my life. I have one foot in tech and one in art, and hope my partner would also be able to appreciate both. However, if your appreciation significantly involves AI art or NFTs, we will likely not be a match.

INFP, Enneagram 9, if it matters. I don’t put much stock in these types of tests, but they can be fun and it’s useful to reflect on how you see yourself every so often :)


Dog is my sister’s! (and lives far away  😢)


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Roommate/moving shenanigans

Roommate/moving shenanigans

Out of the woods! (literally—for a while we couldn’t tell if we were on the right trail 😅)

Out of the woods! (literally—for a while we couldn’t tell if we were on the right trail 😅)

Just a goblin making snow animals ❄️

Just a goblin making snow animals ❄️





Relationship stuff

Increasingly, I think a good match has more to do with being comfortable hanging out, liking the way each other’s brain works, inspiring curiosity, and having compatible senses of humor. Things that are hard to get from a doc (or app), so I’ll try to keep this short!

I think differing interests can be healthy as long as there is some overlap and respect and support for unshared interests, so don’t feel like this is a list of things you need to also be into.

I enjoy things similar to: